

Spoken vs. Written English(2)

Spoken vs. Written English(2)



[04:12] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Hi Good Afternoon to yoiu!
[04:13] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Hello
[04:13] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): :)
[04:14] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I wrote some English in my blog, will you read my sentences?
[04:15] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): The latest post?
[04:16] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right
[04:16] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): This one
[04:17] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): What I believe to be the difference between Spoken English and Written English is just as follows;

The English sentences and/or words come out of your mouth,and right after they are delivered to your speaking partner, they will cease to sound and go out!

On the other hand、the English sentences and/or words written by you will remain on a piece of paper or on an Internet Website, and will stay there unless you or someone with some authoritative rights deletes them.I have long wished to be somebody who writes about Japan and the Japanese, and let people living in foreign countries learn about and understand us more closely and more in detail.

To take part in SL community is consciously or unconsciously envolved in International Community where we have no national boundaries. Without taking any planes, we can travel to any other countries in a few seconds,and meet somebody without any difficulties! You can meet somebody and can ask him or her to help you learn or brush up your English or other foreign languages inworld. This kind of good opportunity is easily obtained in Secondlife.
Back in 2007 when I started to join this international game of Secondlife, I first married a German boy who often visited Shinjiku SIM for dancing and yet because of his flirtation, he and I had to separate from each other within two weeks, but after that I remarried another person who was also from Germany. He and I loved each other passionately and our SL marriage life lasted for about half a year。 The merit of this kind of marriage in secondlife, whether your partner is from the United States or United Kingdom, or any other countries; you have to try to speak in English or other foreign languages from morning to night, and for this reason your ability to speak English improves tremendously ! My goal when I began to learn English was to learn to speak in English whatever comes up to my mind, and to some extent, I was successful in getting a good command of English.

It seems to me that having proficiency in English is equal to having a skill to express yourself in English whether you speak or write in it.

Spoken English is made up of shorter sentences with simpler words, whereas written English is composed of longer sentences and sometimes with somewhat more difficult words, but the vocabulary concerned is not always too much different, because when it comes to speaking or writing something very abstractive and not concrete, we have to make use of high-level, advanced words.

My view of Spoken English and of Written English is not too different, and it is because we have to make up English sentences after we have learned Basic English words or phrases to express ourselves,

If you want to speak in English, you have to write English in your own mind, and if you put out of your mouth what you have to say, then it become your spoken English. It takes a long time to learn to speak or write in English,but
nowadays in this advan
[04:18] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): It takes a long time to learn to speak or write in English,but
nowadays in this advanced world of today, it is almost none different whether you live in Japan or in any English speaking countries like the United States, or United Kingdom.
Last but not least、what matters is not where you live now but your willingness to learn and acquire a genuine skill to make use of English, the most powerful means of communication throughout this planet!
Phyllis Watanabe
[04:18] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Ok
[04:18] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Does this make sense?
[04:19] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): It makes sense.
[04:19] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thank you!
[04:20] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): The speed at which you read English is lightning speed
[04:20] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): it is almost none different whether ---- here instead of "none different" I would write "irrelevant"
[04:21] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): i see
[04:21] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): irrelavant
[04:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): means " the same thing
[04:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): not related to ---
[04:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ]
[04:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right?
[04:22] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): yes
[04:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): okay
[04:23] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): It took me about ten years to learn to write English like this
[04:23] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): That is why I write i understand the meaning. The meaning has not changed, but I personally thing irrelevant is better
[04:23] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I can do the same for the rest of the article
[04:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): okAy!
[04:24] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Suggest things which i think personally are better, but you ask if i understand, and the answer is Yes! Absolutely ! :)
[04:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I am going to re-write like you advised me
[04:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): to
[04:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Okay thanks.
[04:26] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Let me read it through carefully Phyllis and I write back with suggestions, BUT and this is important, they will be suggestions only, what you have written already makes complete sense.
[04:27] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): thank you so much!
[04:27] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Your very welcome
[04:58] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): It seems to me that having proficiency in English is equal to having a skill to express yourself in English whether you speak or write in it.
[04:59] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): This line troubles me, can you say what you mean in another way please?
[05:09] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I mean to say proficiency in English is being able to say and express yourself freely in English whether you speak it or speak it.
[05:10] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): Thats good ty
[05:10] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): That is good, thank you.
[05:10] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): uh hun
[05:14] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I need to log off for a while, I will finish this Phyllis.
[05:15] Second Life: Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident)はオフラインです。
[05:41] Second Life: Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident)はオンラインです。
[05:43] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thank you so much Annie!
[05:52] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I believe to be the difference between Spoken English and Written English is just as follows; with the spoken word, the sentences and/or words are uttered and then gone whereas written sentences and/or words will remain on a piece of paper or on an Internet Website, unless you or someone with some authoritative rights deletes them. I have long wished to be somebody who writes about Japan and we the Japanese, and let people living in foreign countries learn about and understand us more closely and in more detail.

To take part in SL community is consciously or unconsciously to be involved in an International Community without national boundaries. Without air travel via the medium of second life we can travel to other countries in a few seconds, communication with others without difficulty. You can meet somebody and can ask him or her to help you learn or brush up your English or other foreign languages inworld. This kind of good opportunity is easily obtained in Secondlife.
Back in 2007 when I
[05:52] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): started to join this international game of Secondlife, I first married a German boy who often visited Shinjiku SIM for dancing and yet because of his flirtation, he and I had to separate from each other within two weeks, but after that I remarried another person who was also from Germany. He and I loved each other passionately and our SL marriage life lasted for about half a year。 The merit of this kind of marriage in secondlife, whether your partner is from the United States or United Kingdom, or any other country is that you have to try to speak in English or other foreign language from morning to night, and for this reason your ability to speak English improves tremendously ! My goal when I began to learn English was to learn to speak in English whatever comes up to my mind, and to some extent, I was successful in getting a good command of English.
Proficiency in English is being able to say and express yourself freely in English whether spoken or written.
[05:53] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I will read again and see if i can refine more. Please take a look at what i have written. and see if you agree.
[05:54] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): *********** Spoken English is made up of shorter sentences with simpler words, whereas written English is composed of longer sentences and sometimes with somewhat more difficult words, but the vocabulary concerned is not always too much different, because when it comes to speaking or writing something very abstractive and not concrete, we have to make use of high-level, advanced words.

My view of Spoken English and of Written English is not too different, and it is because we have to make up English sentences after we have learned Basic English words or phrases to express ourselves,

If you want to speak in English, you have to write English in your own mind, and if you put out of your mouth what you have to say, then it become your spoken English. It takes a long time to learn to speak or write in English,but
nowadays in this advanced world of today, it is almost irrelevant whether you live in Japan or in any English speaking country like the United States, or United Kingdom.
Last but not
[05:54] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): least、what matters is not where you live now but your willingness to learn and acquire a genuine skill to make use of English, the most powerful means of communication throughout this planet!************
[05:54] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I want especially to look at this last piece in more detail.
[05:54] Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident): I promise to call you back later.
[05:55] Second Life: Annie Oh (AnnieBrightstar Resident)はオフラインです。
[05:56] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thank you so much Annie!


Posted by Phyllis at 04:25│Comments(0)