My English Level as of Nov.

I came across somebody from Phoenix, Arizona in front of my store yesterday, and I was praised and was told by him that my English is better than most Americans. Perhaps I was flattered by him, but to some extent he was telling me the truth because my grammar is all right. My spelling is good and from a certain angle, my English is good because I pay all my attetion to the correctness in my use of English words and phrases!
Below is the conversation I had with him yesterday afternoon.After the lapse of over nine years in secondlife,
I have come to make efforts to respond to any questions by native speakers of English in less than 10 seconds.
Now I know that if I don't answer back within ten seconds, I will be considered not being able to understand English at all. So I don't let Americans wait for my answers over ten seconds.
[23:12] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): konnichiha
[23:12] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Konnichiha. Do you speak English/
[23:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): oh yes
[23:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): i speak English all right
[23:13] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun) smiles
[23:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ^^
[23:14] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Is this your sim?
[23:14] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Nope, I am just a tenant
[23:15] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I see. I just found it in search so I thought I'd have a look at it.
[23:15] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): uh hun
[23:16] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Are you a creator?
[23:16] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I've done a little building. I like to take pictures.
[23:16] KING (kingofking Resident) はオフラインです。
[23:17] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): and you?
[23:18] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): oh I see
[23:18] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I'm a creator of voice HUDs
[23:20] suzy Koray はオンラインです。
[23:20] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I was amazed to learn that a complex structure of over 50 prims can be turned into just one prim through the recent technique of Mesh.
[23:20] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ]
[23:21] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): You use MESH to create your buildings?
[23:21] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I tried to create some mesh objects in Blender, but I couldn't get them to import into SL correctly.
[23:22] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): So I started buying the parts and assembling them instead.
[23:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Just see my shop over there
[23:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): It's of one prim
[23:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Follow me please!
[23:23] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): This one
[23:23] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): it has a land impact of 1 too
[23:24] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): that's good
[23:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): With usual prims. This must be of over 30 prims
[23:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thw creator has used a SL software produced by a Japanese scriptor
[23:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): She is called Naonao Watanabe.
[23:26] suzy Koray はオフラインです。
[23:26] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): She has your last name
[23:29] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): It's a nice shop
[23:32] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right
[23:33] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): it is one of typical Japanese names
[23:33] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thanks! Nice to hear you say it
[23:34] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): YOu seem to be long in Secondlife!
[23:34] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Yes, I'm a fairly old man :)
[23:35] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[23:35] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): but you've been here longer
[23:35] Hildegard Burnstein はオンラインです。
[23:35] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): In real life, I'm not as young as this avatar, I'm 29 years old
[23:36] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I'm 49 in RL
[23:36] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): rezzed on May 15th, 2007.
[23:36] Hildegard Burnstein はオフラインです。
[23:36] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): oh I see
[23:37] Hildegard Burnstein はオンラインです。
[23:37] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Are you form the United StAtes or Europe
[23:37] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I'm from the US. Phoenix.
[23:37] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Arizona?
[23:37] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Yes
[23:37] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Although I lived in NY until recently
[23:38] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I've never been to Arizona, but only as far as Las Vegas.
[23:39] Son Clave はオンラインです。
[23:39] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Las Vegas is only a few hours from here by car
[23:40] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): their climate is very similar to ours
[23:41] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see. I only wanted to go to Arizona, but I did not have enolugh time to go there. I went to Florida, and Kerywest at that time. I was visiting the United States almost every year about five years ago.
[23:43] まり (Marian Fairywren) はオフラインです。
[23:43] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): So you didn't see the Grand Canyon?
[23:44] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Right. I only saw it out of the window of my plane..
[23:44] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ^^
[23:44] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Key West is beautiful, though.
[23:45] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Yes it is
[23:45] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Sometime I hope to visit Japan.
[23:45] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I thought it is better than Hawaii.
[23:45] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Uh hun
[23:45] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I haven't been to Hawaii. I usually vacation in Mexico.
[23:46] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): They built Hawaii too far away :)
[23:47] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[23:47] Son Clave はオフラインです。
[23:50] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I have been to a lot of places in US, such as SF. LA, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Boston. NY, Washington.D.C, Ohio, West Virginia, Florida, and Seattle, and Vegas.
[23:50] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Wow. Yes, you've seen a lot of it.
[23:50] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Also to Vancouver, Canada.
[23:51] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I was in Vancouver earlier this year. It's very pretty.
[23:51] ㌰㌰瑤子㌰㌰ (youko Magic) はオンラインです。
[23:51] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): In Asia, I have been to China many times and to Hong Kong a couple of times
[23:51] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Do you thinnk so?
[23:52] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Yes, for someone who doesn't live here.
[23:52] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): That's a lot of travel.
[23:52] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): My impression is somewhat from my viewpoinbt
[23:52] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): different
[23:53] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): oh yeah, it is a
[23:53] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): You think there's still a lot of the US that you haven't seen?
[23:53] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): faraway from where you ;live
[23:53] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I guess so.
[23:54] 綾瀬 さく (sakuyan Ehret) はオンラインです。
[23:54] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Anyway I come to speak and undestand English a little better than before after I travelled in your country amany times
[23:56] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I learned and practiced my English at the house of an American Baptist missionary here in Japan
[23:56] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): You probably speak English better than most Americans
[23:58] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I continued to read English Bibles/ New Testament and Old Restament for about seven hours under the guidance of Marian Sorley from minneapolis, Minnesota
[23:59] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I mean seven years!
[23:59] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): You do that remotely?
[00:00] Luella (Lilith Lindley) はオンラインです。
[00:00] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): rain or shine, oh I mean even on Typhoonm days
[00:00] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[00:00] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Is Marian there in Japan, or do you do that over the internet?
[00:01] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Oh Marian passed away!
[00:01] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Sorry to hear that
[00:03] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): but In SL I married first a foreigner and spoke English all day long and it was very useful to speak from morning to night every day
[00:03] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): in English
[00:04] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I learned that a native speaker of English cannot wait for over ten seconds for any answer to come back in conversation
[00:04] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[00:05] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Sometimes you're lucky if they wait for you to finish speaking before they respond
[00:05] Lala8 Oh (lala7 Oh) はオフラインです。
[00:05] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ^^
[00:05] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): That's more true with people from NY and Boston than in other areas
[00:05] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I learned to think inEnglish
[00:06] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see
[00:06] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): wow...that's difficult
[00:06] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): In Boston I went to see Science Museum
[00:07] ѶƐԼԼÅ ™ (Jungeun Vella) はオフラインです。
[00:07] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): For the first time in my life I saw an elevator with passenger capacity of 50 people
[00:08] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun) smiles
[00:08] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): That's a big elevator
[00:08] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Such a big elevator does not exist in Japan
[00:08] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right
[00:08] ѶƐԼԼÅ ™ (Jungeun Vella) はオンラインです。
[00:09] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I don't know if I've seen any that big
[00:09] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): even in New York
[00:09] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): uh hun
[00:09] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I was able to see a lunar vehicle over there
[00:10] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): and also a lung which was taken from a person who died of lung cancer
[00:10] 京 (kyou Janick) はオンラインです。
[00:10] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I've never seen a lunar module, but I have seen cancerous lungs.
[00:11] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see.
[00:11] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Did you see that SpaceX wants to put people on Mars?
[00:11] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): oh I saw some article about such project.
[00:12] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): They're planning to send 1 million people
[00:12] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Those who go to Mars cannot come back to the earth?
[00:12] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): They can, but they'll have to wait until Mars is in the right position
[00:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see.
[00:13] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): That happens once every 22 months
[00:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Can they turn Mars intoi
[00:13] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): something like our planet?
[00:14] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): theoretically, yes
[00:14] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): but it will take a long time
[00:14] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): perhaps by planting trees to produce oxygen?
[00:15] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): there's not enough atmosphere there yet. They would have to melt the polar ice caps.
[00:15] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): i see
[00:16] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): So it is most likey to produce a smaller earth over there?
[00:16] Hiro Lecker はオンラインです。
[00:16] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): That's a very long term goal.
[00:16] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Oh I see
[00:17] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Right now, everything is just in planning
[00:17] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I just like to see them working on it, even if they never send anyone.
[00:17] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): It may take over half a cnetury?
[00:17] alison Beamish はオフラインです。
[00:17] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): century?
[00:18] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): or 20 years?
[00:18] Kazuki Mizser はオフラインです。
[00:18] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I would guess it would be 20 or 25 years
[00:19] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see not too long.
[00:19] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): ]
[00:21] Bet (Bet Quinote) はオンラインです。
[00:21] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): It is nice to learn about the progress of human beings, even though I myself cannot go to Mars, IN Florida I was taken to Kennedy Space Center, and I was amazed at the huge Moon rocket dispayed over there.
[00:22] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Also to Disney World over there. It is so large
[00:22] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): I don't want to go to Mars either, I just think it's amazing that we're talking about it.
[00:23] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right
[00:23] Susanoho Resident はオフラインです。
[00:23] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): There's still nothing over there, I guess.
[00:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Do you believe some beings living on MArs?
[00:24] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Right now? No, I highly doubt it.
[00:24] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[00:24] Hiro Lecker はオフラインです。
[00:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Some say that there are some UFO bases
[00:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): where aliens are using
[00:25] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): UFOs
[00:25] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Some people say that bout the moon as well.
[00:26] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): right
[00:26] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): If there are aliens out there, they're staying away from us. It's a wise thing to do :)
[00:26] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): smiles
[00:27] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): It's getting late here. I need to get to bed.
[00:27] 京 (kyou Janick) はオフラインです。
[00:27] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): It was nice talking to you.
[00:28] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): Enjoy the rest of your day.
[23:30] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): perhaps this is something you may need to purchase;
[23:31] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Generator-Convert-Prim-into-Mesh/5445477
[23:31] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): a bit expensive, though
[23:32] Ruty (rutuba Zhangsun): well, I really haven't been doing much building for a while.
[23:39] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): I see, me either.
[00:29] あかり (Phyllis Watanabe): Thanks ! bye bye!
Posted by Phyllis at 04:12│Comments(0)