

Bento Head What is it all about? (2)

Bento Head What is it all about? (2)

Project Bento What is it all about?(2)

As I mentioned in my previous blog page, theory and practice are different.
If you know what Bento means at all, you have got to learn how to make use of
these brand-new items, like Bento hands and Bento heads.

The first things that I did was to visit CATWA, Altamura, and Akeruka stores, and I learned all they sell are exceptionally expensive, not easy to purchase!
So I have decided to buy demo versions of each of their items. And yet I discovered that their demos are demos after all. They are much too limited in their functions with too large ad boards attached to and/or too many characters written on the faces. Unless you buy real items, you can hardly try to see the outcomes of wearing Bento hands or heads.

The second thing that I wanted to learn was what I should do to make up Japanese faces I am familiar with, because I am Japanese and not American nor European.
Oftentimes Japanese or other Asian people are drawn by Americans or Europeans as people who have fox-like eyes with small single-edged eyelids, and not with double-edged ones. But we don’t, their pictures are nothing but their images of Asian people, and some Asians are like their images but not all of us.

Phyllis Watanabe

Posted by Phyllis at 13:56│Comments(0)