

Time Travller John Titorのお話:


ところが、最近の記事に2036年という未来から、time travelしてきたというJohn Titorという未来人について書いていた。彼は、1998年に生まれたアメリカ・フロリダの人で、2036年という未来から、2000年のフロリダの自分の家に戻ってきて2003年まで、滞在し、膨大な資料や写真を残して、再び未来へと戻って行った。

1)過去へ戻ってきた理由は、IBM 5100というコンピュタ-に隠されている「隠れた機能を、調べにきた」らしい。

2)Time machineの、取り扱い説明書が公開されている。
Time machineは、小山ほどの、小さなBlack Holeをl生み出しながら重力のコントロ-ルによって飛んでゆく。


4)Time Machine自体は、2024年に発明され、2036年には、7名のUS Armyの軍人によって、操縦されている。



7)原書は、14ドルの値段だけど、現在の売値は、165US ドルもしている。

8)世界は、すでに証明されたように、Einsteinのいう4次元の世界ではなくって、5次元である。(=MITやHarvard Universityの教授で、NHKの教育テレビに出ていたLisa Randallも、数学的に5次元の世界が、近い将来証明されるらしい。


Time Travller John Titorのお話:
Time Travller John Titorのお話:
Time Travller John Titorのお話:


Secrets of the City
Time traveler most likely to be spotted in Rochester

According to Bob Dubke, the second engineer on IBM's 5100 team in Rochester (who now co-owns a locally-based company called eXport Ventures Corp. and also works for Edina Realty), that secret function was his contribution to the design of the computer. The function, which IBM suppressed because of worries about how their competition might use it, was an interface between the assembly code surrounding the computer's ROM exterior, and the 360 emulator hidden beneath it. (IBM declined to comment for this story.) The 5100's emulator gave programmers access to the functions of the monstrous, and much less portable machines, that IBM had produced during the 1960s. An imprint of a hook on the outside of the 5100 symbolized the ability of Dubke's interface to drop into what Titor called "legacy code," and scoop out any necessary operating instructions.

http://www.postbulletin.com/ magazine/2004/08/ index. shtml12/28/03



HOST: Is this the computer fault in the UNIX computer code John warned would effect the world in just a few days and then in 2038?

http://asia.cnet.com/news tech/systems/0,39 001153, 391619 88,00.htm


Software maker PTC, a specialist in product lifecycle management applications for engineers and product designers, has rekindled memories of the Year 2000 bug, or Y2K, as it scrambles to patch a glitch that will render most of its products inoperable after Jan. 10. Unix itself uses a similar method to resolve dates, but developers chose an infinity value of 4 billion seconds, the maximum a 32-bit system can process. That means that most Unix programs will continue to operate until 2038

http://maul.deepsky.com/% 7Emerovech/2038.html




After scanning a few disscussions on other forums, I came across something
very interesting. Please read the following text written by John Titor
about the IBM 5100 computer.

JOHN: On my worldline, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic.

JOHN: In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create
new code in APL and basic. That is the reason we need it in 2036. However,IBM never published that information because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In
fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouths shut.

JOHN: Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the
truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn't pointed it out.

JOHN: The 5100 has the ability to easily translate between the old IBM code,APL, BASIC and (with a few tweaks in 1975) UNIX. This may seem insignificant but the fact that the 5100 is portable means I can easily take it back to 2036. I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations.

Now consider the following post from a forum on John. The discussion ends with a letter from an apparent IBM engineer who developed the 5100. His response was given after a forum member sent him an email about John's statements and it appears to confirm what he said! If this is a hoax, could this IBM engineer be John? Or, could this be the person John was sent to find?

http://www.ufocity.com/mod ules/newbb/viewtopic. php?topic_id=122&forum =1&viewmode=flat&start=0

"The 5100 did not have a true operating system. Any similarity to one was provided by the "keyboard" code. It also provided for some basic debug things and of course it had its share of "hooks" to do other things. There were two emulators provided, a System 34 emulator for the Basic language, and a System 360 emulator for executing the APL interactive language.

One hook that was never documented for external IBM users was one for launching programs, written in the System 360 machine language, from APL. I personally used this hook for manipulating large arrays because it was faster and reduced memory requirements. APL has a habit of creating multiple copies of a variable while anipulating it.

I believe you may be thinking about the 360 emulator.


Bob Dubke

eXport Ventures Corporation

Rochester, MN 55901"


Posted by Phyllis at 11:22│Comments(0)