Spoken vs. Written English:

What I believe to be the difference between Spoken English and Written English is just as follows;
The English sentences and/or words come out of your mouth,and right after they are delivered to your speaking partner, they will cease to sound and go out!
On the other hand、the English sentences and/or words written by you will remain on a piece of paper or on an Internet Website, and will stay there unless you or someone with some authoritative rights deletes them.I have long wished to be somebody who writes about Japan and the Japanese, and let people living in foreign countries learn about and understand us more closely and more in detail.
To take part in SL community is consciously or unconsciously envolved in International Community where we have no national boundaries. Without taking any planes, we can travel to any other countries in a few seconds,and meet somebody without any difficulties! You can meet somebody and can ask him or her to help you learn or brush up your English or other foreign languages inworld. This kind of good opportunity is easily obtained in Secondlife.
Back in 2007 when I started to join this international game of Secondlife, I first married a German boy who often visited Shinjiku SIM for dancing and yet because of his flirtation, he and I had to separate from each other within two weeks, but after that I remarried another person who was also from Germany. He and I loved each other passionately and our SL marriage life lasted for about half a year。 The merit of this kind of marriage in secondlife, whether your partner is from the United States or United Kingdom, or any other countries; you have to try to speak in English or other foreign languages from morning to night, and for this reason your ability to speak English improves tremendously ! My goal when I began to learn English was to learn to speak in English whatever comes up to my mind, and to some extent, I was successful in getting a good command of English.
It seems to me that having proficiency in English is equal to having a skill to express yourself in English whether you speak or write in it.
Spoken English is made up of shorter sentences with simpler words, whereas written English is composed of longer sentences and sometimes with somewhat more difficult words, but the vocabulary concerned is not always too much different, because when it comes to speaking or writing something very abstractive and not concrete, we have to make use of high-level, advanced words.
My view of Spoken English and of Written English is not too different, and it is because we have to make up English sentences after we have learned Basic English words or phrases to express ourselves,
If you want to speak in English, you have to write English in your own mind, and if you put out of your mouth what you have to say, then it become your spoken English. It takes a long time to learn to speak or write in English,but
nowadays in this advanced world of today, it is almost none different whether you live in Japan or in any English speaking countries like the United States, or United Kingdom.
Last but not least、what matters is not where you live now but your willingness to learn and acquire a genuine skill to make use of English, the most powerful means of communication throughout this planet!
Phyllis Watanabe
Posted by Phyllis at

I am enjoying SL. Are you enjoying SL?
I enjoy SL, and do you enjoy SL? と変えると「現在の習慣となる。
あたしなら、and how about you?としたい。
SL will be to bring happiness to you! SLはきっとあなたに幸せをもたらすはずです!
ここでは、will と be to が使われているが、willは助動詞/ be to も助動詞(予定、当然義務、可能、運命を表す)
であり、英語では、こういうことは言えない。(=ドイツ語では、言える。 たとえば、Sie muß Englisch sprehen können,
=She must can speak English(=英語とは言えない)(助動詞を2重に重ねている)
或いは、You can speak English fluently 未来形に変えると=〇 You will be able to speak English fluently.
X You will can speak English fluently.
1)SL will bring happiness to you! (SLはあなたに幸せをもたらしてくれるでしょう)
2)SL is to bring happiness to you! (SLはあなたに幸せをもたらしてくれるはずです)
あるいは、SL is certain to bring happiness to you! (SLはきっとあなたに幸せをもたらしてくれるでしょう)
My Fair Ladyという映画で、Audrey Hepburnが、Londonの下町のLower Classes(=下層階級)の出身で、下層階級の英語(=なまりの強い階級特有の英語(=例えば、現在のAustralia/New Zealandの人たちの英語と似た英語)(=
I say= I sai)---エイをアイと発音する)は、その音の変換が大変である。
The rain in Spain falls on the plain. (=エイをアイ)と発音すれば、Elizaの英語)
また、Friend Request is not received now. という表現は、いかにもTranslator Softwareを使っているみたいで、
I do not accept Friend Request now.が正しい書き方であると思われる。
A) She walks。
B) She walks along the street。
C) She walks swiftly along the street.
D) She walks on along the street, looking all around her.
E) The worried looking woman is walking along the street looking in front of and behind her.
語句の区切り、sense-Group 単位で意味を把握し、あるいはsense-Groupで区切って、話したり、」聞き取ってゆかないといけない局面が多くなってきます。文を書く場合にも同じです。
最後に:イギリスで生まれて、イギリスに住んでいるというAnnie Oh(AnnieBrightstar Resident)のProfile記述です。
Married Jenni Oh 14th February 2014. who I live with in SL together with our 2 cats. I enjoy shopping, exploring & Inworld Photography. Love going dancing and relaxing with my best friends Kerri and Raphaela.. I am also blessed with a wonderful and very clever niece, Hailey
I collate blogs on, Second Life Exploration http://www.scoop.it/t/second-life-destinations
Posted by Phyllis at